It is time for another school year to begin. Megan is starting 4th Grade. Her teachers name is Miss Kutz. And so far she LOVES her teacher. Her teacher actually came up to me in the hall the other day and told me how delightful Megan is, and that she loves having her in her class. Alyssa is starting 7th Grade. She has too many teachers to name, but she has seven periods per day. English, Art, CTE, Science, Student Leadership, Math, and Health. She says that she is liking school. I know that she really does, she is just to the age that it is not cool to tell your mom that you like school. I also started back to school for Fall semester. I have five classes!! I just keep telling myself that I can do it and it will be worth it in the end! I also am working at Megan's school being an aide. I love my job! Now I know that I want to work in the Education System!
Way to show that attitude! My goodness Lys is sure starting to look just like you......